Late Fall, Last of the Harvest

Hello m'dears. 

Last weekend was the final farmer's market of the season in my little burg.

There is no nice way to photograph two jugs of juice.

It rained, rained, rained.  The poor vendors' fingers looked frozen in their fingerless gloves.

I bet they're ready to pack it in.

The end of the growing season brings its own Halloween colors. 

Purple grapes, orange persimmons, blue-black huckleberries.

And fat, ripe apples.

I drounced these in caramel the other day.  Unfortunately it slid right off, because I did it wrong.  And then it was too stiff to drounce.  I had to slice the apples and spoon it on in a sculptural pile, and drizzle it with chocolate chips and chopped almonds.

It was terrible, as you can imagine. 

Now we have to go inside for real.  Stuff has stopped growing officially.

Get some cider and warm it in a pan.  I really recommend that.

What do you like to do with the final fruits of the season?  Jar, can, and save?  Special holiday treats?  Or store them in a bag, hoarding them like a dragon hoards dubloons, until they go bad?  I wouldn't know anything about that.


Kimby said...

Anna, it was as much of a treat reading your post as it was seeing the last of your farmers market goodies displayed like precious gems. Thanks for an enjoyable start to my day!

avagabondmom said...

oh the fruits look lovely! pretty photos!

Ana Regalado said...

Anna , those produce look absolutely gorgeous ! Eat it fresh , of course and leftover for cakes ?! :D

Diana said...

Huckleberries - are you in Wyoming? That's where we were when we found them growing all over in the Tetons. I love huckleberries.

amlamonte said...

so nice to see you all here. thanks for your kind words! diana - we are in oregon, but i know huckleberries grow all over the west! i've never been lucky enough to find them myself though...

Carlos B said...

I've never had huckleberries, but I must admit, this makes me want to try some. Cheers!